標籤: 汽車


穠 李 夭 桃

距離拖延已久的Tesla(特斯拉)Cybertruck(參數丨圖片)交車活動於11月底舉行還有一個多月的時間,Tesla這家美國汽車製造廠商的首款皮卡依然存在一些未知數, 但由於熱心的車迷,越來越多的細節正在浮出水面。

這次,我們通過KuMX在Cybertruck車主俱樂部論壇上發佈的一組照片,更清楚的看到了Cybertruck上的車頂行李架。 之前,我們看到過一輛Cybertruck有一對行李架安裝在傾斜的後車頂上,但這次,行李架是被安裝在Cybertruck的後貨鬥上方,這表明Cybertruck擁有四個不同的行李架安裝位置可以加裝這些配件。

此外,由於Cybertruck車頂的直邊,車主可以同時安裝四個行李架來攜帶很長或很重的物品。 Cybertruck上的黑色行李架看起來是可以伸縮的,大概是爲了適應車頂的可變寬度。 我們不知道Tesla Cybertruck的車頂行李架能夠承受多少重量,也不知道它們的價格是多少,但很高興知道車主們將能夠購買兩對可互換的相同車頂行李架。 關於Cybertruck的車頂行李架,我們不知道的另一件事是它們在不使用時可以存放在哪裡。

正如Tesla在他們的第三季財報會議上所說的,一旦交車於11月30日開始,我們應該就能獲得有關Cybertruck相關的所有信息。 當然,前題是這次Tesla不再延遲,那應該就沒問題了(之前發生過這種情況)。

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Zhongzhi Keyi Completes Round A Financing

Zhongzhi Keyi Completes Round A Financing

(TMTPOST)—Zhongzhi Keyi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., a new optical-electric detection enterprise, has raised tens of millions of yuan in round A financing led by CASSTAR, with investments from Founder H Fund Co., Ltd.


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The proceeds will be primarily used for product research and development, market expansion, the optimization of production processes and inventory of products, in order to drive the upgrading of scientific research equipment industry.

Founded in 2016, Zhongzhi Keyi is an innovative hard technology company focusing on ultra-fast shutter-controlled imaging and new optical-electric detection technology. With scientific research demand at its core, the company strives for two physical limits in product development: ultra-fast imaging with picosecond time resolution detection technology, and extreme detection sensitivity with single-photon imaging technology.

After years of growth, the company has developed star products such as nanosecond/picosecond time resolution cameras and streak cameras. Apart from breaking the foreign technology monopoly, its product offerings have also surpassed international standards, filling the gap in China’s ultra-fast time resolution imaging field.

收 租

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In February of this year, Zhongzhi Instrument independently developed the STC810 eight-channel digital delay pulse generator. This product stands out with its 10ps delay accuracy and 35ps ultra-low jitter performance, setting a new benchmark for independent innovation of high-end scientific research instruments in China.

The STC810 features eight independent high-precision delay channels, combined with software, touchscreen, and knob control modes, as well as multifunctional interfaces to adapt to diverse needs. This technological breakthrough fills the gap in key equipment domestically and greatly boosts China’s confidence in independent innovation.

Fang Zhengjun, the founder of Zhongzhi Keyi, said, “Our vision is to break through the limits of human visual perception, ‘See the invisible’. Zhongzhi Keyi is committed to addressing imaging pain points in various industries, and we believe that 2024 will be the year when the optical-electric detection industry truly takes off.”

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Regarding this round of financing, Fang said, “Both CASSTAR and Founder H Fund Co., Ltd. are professional and responsible investment institutions. In particular, CASSTAR has proposed and practiced the concept of ‘hard technology’ for a long time, which we strongly identify with.â€�

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Over the past decade, the company has been engaged in the hard technology industry, witnessing the ups and downs of the sector. The company also looks forward to contributing greater innovative strength to the domestic high-end instrument and equipment field through its own efforts, Fang added.

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影/甩開老舊的雙龍時期?全新KGM Torres Coupe韓系跑旅預告登場!

影/甩開老舊的雙龍時期?全新KGM Torres Coupe韓系跑旅預告登場!

全新KGM Torres Coupe韓系跑旅預告登場。 圖/截自KGM KG모빌리티 YouTube

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歷經了更換新東家,一切從頭出發的KG Mobility(前身爲SsangYong雙龍汽車),去年在自家韓國推出全新休旅Torres後,除了展現稍微年輕化的一面,銷量在當時確實也有所提升。當然,KG Mobility(以下簡稱KGM)的新車計劃也不會止於Torres而已,在去年首爾車展上,KGM也展出瞭如Torres EVX、純電概念皮卡外,最近在KGM形象影片中似乎又有新車露出了。


KGM Torres。 摘自KGM



KGM Torres EVX純電版。 摘自KGM

在影片中,除了一些既有的KGM車款,如Rexton、Korando、Tivoli、Rexton Sports、Torres、Torees EVX純電版、O100概念皮卡等,站在C位的卻是一輛從沒見過的KGM?事實上,KGM在2月下旬時曾公佈一支大外宣的30秒短片,並且使用了韓國國旗(太極旗)上頭的四個卦건、곤、감、이圖示作爲新車燈組或其他部件的設計,再以碩大、具備斜背姿態的車側顯示,最後鏡頭又帶到了Torres EVX,因此讓許多外媒猜測,KGM就是在暗示這款新車會是Torres跑旅版,在現階段姑且就將其稱作Torres Coupe。


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全新KGM Torres Coupe韓系跑旅預告登場。 圖/截自KGM KG모빌리티 YouTube


這輛全新韓系跑旅原廠代號據悉爲J120,而Torres的原廠代號則是J100,由此可證KGM這款新車很有可能就是Torres Coupe。不過,現階段關於這輛新跑旅的資訊仍不多,但大致上都會承襲現行Torres的配置,包括現有的內燃機(1.5 T-GDI,最大馬力170ps/28.6kgm)與純電動力。此外,KGM似乎也有意爲Torres車系導入全新油電動力,不過一切仍有待原廠公佈。

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全新KGM Torres Coupe韓系跑旅預告登場。 圖/截自KGM KG모빌리티 YouTube

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全新KGM Torres Coupe韓系跑旅預告登場。 圖/截自KGM KG모빌리티 YouTube

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全新KGM Torres Coupe有很高的機率會在今年六月底舉行的2024釜山車展中登場,不過,由於今年三月適逢雙龍汽車70週年紀念,KGM或許會先在近期於線上公佈Torres Coupe相關資訊,而先前首爾車展中的概念皮卡等概念車型,也許也有機會展出量產版本。

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全新KGM Torres Coupe韓系跑旅預告登場。 圖/截自KGM KG모빌리티 YouTube

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全新KGM Torres Coupe韓系跑旅預告登場。 圖/截自KGM KG모빌리티 YouTube

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