Zhongzhi Keyi Completes Round A Financing

(TMTPOST)—Zhongzhi Keyi (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd., a new optical-electric detection enterprise, has raised tens of millions of yuan in round A financing led by CASSTAR, with investments from Founder H Fund Co., Ltd.


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The proceeds will be primarily used for product research and development, market expansion, the optimization of production processes and inventory of products, in order to drive the upgrading of scientific research equipment industry.

Founded in 2016, Zhongzhi Keyi is an innovative hard technology company focusing on ultra-fast shutter-controlled imaging and new optical-electric detection technology. With scientific research demand at its core, the company strives for two physical limits in product development: ultra-fast imaging with picosecond time resolution detection technology, and extreme detection sensitivity with single-photon imaging technology.

After years of growth, the company has developed star products such as nanosecond/picosecond time resolution cameras and streak cameras. Apart from breaking the foreign technology monopoly, its product offerings have also surpassed international standards, filling the gap in China’s ultra-fast time resolution imaging field.

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In February of this year, Zhongzhi Instrument independently developed the STC810 eight-channel digital delay pulse generator. This product stands out with its 10ps delay accuracy and 35ps ultra-low jitter performance, setting a new benchmark for independent innovation of high-end scientific research instruments in China.

The STC810 features eight independent high-precision delay channels, combined with software, touchscreen, and knob control modes, as well as multifunctional interfaces to adapt to diverse needs. This technological breakthrough fills the gap in key equipment domestically and greatly boosts China’s confidence in independent innovation.

Fang Zhengjun, the founder of Zhongzhi Keyi, said, “Our vision is to break through the limits of human visual perception, ‘See the invisible’. Zhongzhi Keyi is committed to addressing imaging pain points in various industries, and we believe that 2024 will be the year when the optical-electric detection industry truly takes off.”

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Regarding this round of financing, Fang said, “Both CASSTAR and Founder H Fund Co., Ltd. are professional and responsible investment institutions. In particular, CASSTAR has proposed and practiced the concept of ‘hard technology’ for a long time, which we strongly identify with.â€�

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Over the past decade, the company has been engaged in the hard technology industry, witnessing the ups and downs of the sector. The company also looks forward to contributing greater innovative strength to the domestic high-end instrument and equipment field through its own efforts, Fang added.

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